"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

-- The Dalai Lama

Sunday, May 08, 2005


Two weeks from today I'll be married. How weird is that?

I'm 28 today. Is that old? I can't tell.

I'm using my brand new iPod for the first time today! It was a graduation present. And it's pink!

Today I'm still waiting on my final grades. Did I really graduate? I'm not good at the waiting.


CM said...

Happy birthday!

Wow. Two weeks! How's the planning going? Are you freaking out, or relatively calm?

Shannon said...


CM - The planning is going great! I'm not freaking out at all, I'm actually really excited :)

Beanie - I think people are getting a little sick of buying me presents, to tell you the truth! But the fiance is always a really great gift-giver - He was actually the purchaser of the fabulous iPod for graduation =)

E. McPan said...

Happy: birthday, graduation, wedding, last free summer, etc.!

Whew. They just don't make greeting cards like that, you know.