"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

-- The Dalai Lama

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Polite Rant

When person A smiles politely at person B it is good manners for person B to smile back. It is not polite for person B to just sort of glare and look away. It makes person A feel bad.


Hachoo said...
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Anonymous said...

People in law school are so preoccupied that half the time they don't even notice the smile. Of course, there are some jerks who remain that way the whole 3-4 years they're in law school, too. They usually sit alone at lunch.

Anonymous said...

There's a couple people at my school who take themselves way to seriously. Refuse to smile, refuse to look like they're enjoying themselves, refuse to socialize even. Sucks that they're probably going to be like that for 10 years.

Dagny said...

Have had that happen to me as well. I think Shelley is right and that most people are just preoccupied.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that person is from another country where they're not used to always smiling at people like in the US

Law-Rah said...

OR...person A is from the South and person B is from, um, not the South.

Anonymous said...

thats too bad. maybe they were having a bad day.